The vet said I was "the perfect weight". Who doesn't love to hear that! Especially models. M'lady wasn't so thrilled about the 5 minutes (she timed it) the vet spent with us. That's a little trick she learned at Dr. Suzie Love's Breast Cancer Center for selecting doctors who are healers. How long do they spend with you? Do they listen? I helped out a high strung toy shaggy named Simon who's mom was having a payment freakout. I thought they might pee the floor but we all managed just fine. I even charmed the woman with three elderly cats.
On Saturday we skipped over Spring completely and had summer. Hot. Mean hot. I was looking forward to days of wandering about and snuggling up under the soft, kind, sweet, sun. Watching petal showers and witnessing the lily of the valley, forsenthia and violets proclaim the rite of Spring.
There's still a chance for that - but like the tender buds and blossoms outside even though it is cooler I've gone flat. A series of one day heatwaves in April forecasts a long hot summer. I'll be shaved down and back on the fatty food before you know it.
slow wag to ya. keep cool