Sunday, December 20, 2009

White Christmas

A few days ago I passed by the Santa tree and
he said that I would get my wish.
It would be a white christmas.

I was tempted not to believe him.  But trees never lie.

 Overnight we got more than a foot
with drifts as high as three feet.
It's a winter wonderland!! 
Ho. Ho. Ho.
Do I look like Santa with my snow beard?
I feel like him full of good cheer and happiness.


  1. You are so lucky!! I live in Manitoba, the middle of Canada - you would think that we would get a good snow storm, but we haven't had one in years. It's so disappointing. The ground here is white, but we have only about 3 inches or so, no snow banks.
    You definitely look like Santa! :)
    Have a Very Merry Christmas!!

  2. oh oh oh! Jealous of your snow! It was 70 degrees here yesterday.

  3. haha, just stumbled upon your blog via bloglove... i must say, i have never come across a dog blog, love it <3

    Happy Winter!

  4. Your dog is so cute with his Santa Beard. Yes we have 12 inches in NC.
