Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Waiting for Supper

It's nice to watch the humans scurry about preparing food,
making delicious smells and sounds.


  1. Our last chum, Winston, loved his food - only one meal a day for him, and it had to be on the dot at 1700 hours BST. When I had an allotment, he used to come to supervise. At 1630, every time, he'd start to bark (it took 15 mins. to clear up and drive home). That way, he knew he'd get his nosh at the right moment. Alas, he's now in doggie heaven, and we're now too old to cope with a four legged pet. Love other folks' though!

    That's probably why I make toys - see www.ColdhamCuddliescalling.blogspot.com or my Etsy shop at www.coldhamcuddlies.etsy.com.

    Give your chap an extra pat from me, please!

  2. Winston is a magnificent name for a dog. They can be so very particular about things. What joy they bring - like your toys. So adorable. I've added a link to your blog in my sidebar under "Sniff Out Your Interests". Brad appreciates all your pats.
